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Comments (3)

Vergara - 6 September 15:14

Veux baise-toi dans son air lits, moi tres solitaire quand tu n’es pas avec moi!

Nghe - 26 April 15:40

Elles sont vulnérables. Des Madames, qui ont soudoyé les autorités locales, les surveillent.

Cleopatra - 24 October 20:44

Even if it wasn't the intent, there is absolutely nothing in the post that indicates that it isn't an generalization. There is no flaw in pointing that out and asking them to use distinctions so as not to make blanket statements that do not apply to a large portion of aces. As an ace who is not sex-averse, this is important to me; I've had too many people make those kinds of assumptions about me already.

Papadopoulos - 9 January 18:08

Saugeil. Hab gerade voll abgespritzt.

Russ - 25 March 10:28

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Rochlin - 19 May 09:19

Went out with girl who was afraid to fuck because of preggo. She gave me topless handjobs like this everyday after to make up for that. Plus, she wanted to drain all my cum so I had none available for other chicks.

Jorge - 13 October 17:17

How does one get a neighbor like that? Damn she is nice and wet!

Gella. Age: 25
Carmela. Age: 18
Maya. Age: 20