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Comments (9)

Grant - 21 December 22:05

Veux heureux passer temps societe mignon filles. Je suis toujours prete a vous aider bien passer du temps.

Nathan - 15 January 06:40

Elles sont relatives au tabou de la sexualité de la mère ainsi qu'aux enjeux de filiation. En psychanalyse , le tabou de la sexualité de la mère est lié à une exclusion mutuelle entre amour et désir qu'un homme peut ressentir vis-à-vis d'une femme, l'insulte a ainsi comme première fonction de blesser.

Vadala - 17 February 03:21

i love sucking myself.

Hoxsie - 20 December 16:02

12 Barbara Babeurre from Watch4beauty.

Cory - 2 January 10:30

Great stuff. History lessons like this make me very glad that I was born in the present day instead of sometime in the past.

Brosi - 11 July 08:33


Higbee - 4 August 10:34

Once when i was alone in a public restroom, a man came in, masturbated, and left. the whole time i was texting my friends freaking out, i had my feet pulled up and didn't make a sound. i know i wasn't assaulted or harassed, but what the heck do i call this? he never touched me, but it's something that terrified me and i'm never gonna forget the experience and all the things that ran through my head when it was happening.

Oestreich - 22 April 17:44

it's hot, I like it